We welcome distributor inquiries. We define distributors as companies or persons who routinely sell to various retail outlets.
Pricing is determined on volume, number of outlets served. We do offer protective territories, so if you are a distributor, we will refer all wholesale contacts to you. Our web site will still offer our products, however, we will pay a commission should the customer be located in your trade area.
We also will grant license for you to list our products on your web site for sale, and then drop ship to your customers under your shipping label for a surcharge. Distributors have the greatesr potential for generating additional profits for their company, and the benefits are greater that a normal retailer. Certain volume purchase requirements will apply and when you drop below the minimum purchase requirements, a distributorship can be pulled at our sole descretion.
To inquire about a distributorship, you should click on the email address below and be sure to include your company name, or individual name if you are a sole proprietor, your regular trade area, your typical client base, as well as your annual sales volume. This way we can tailor our distributorship program for you. We will also need you to fax 3 letters from your clients indicating their retail outlet name, address and anticipated purchases of our products. We may request additional information before we can get you started,.
Our districutorships are an excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor of our product distribution.